Saturday, June 22, 2013

80 Ebook Microsoft Gratis (Office, Azure, Cloud, Phone, Seven, SQL, Server, Sharepoint) Direct Download


Sudah lama saya ingin meniru Pak Ebta Setiawan untuk membagikan buku Microsoft ini. Sebagai informasi, Microsoft melepas banyak sekali ebook berbayarnya secara gratis pada tahun kemarin. Tersedia untuk segala bidang Microsoft baik Office-nya, Visual Studio-nya, Azure, Windows Phone, 365, WIndows 7, SharePoint, dan lain-lain. Semua ebook saya sediakan dalam format PDF (ada satu yang EXE) dan semuanya direct download (no



Gunakan CTRL+F untuk mencari karena daftar ini cukup panjang. Untuk download cukup klik kananSave Link As begitu saja.

1 Moving to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 PDF
2Programming Windows 8 Apps 2nd Preview PDF
3Programming Windows Phone 7  PDF
4Programming Windows Phone 7 (Special Excerpt 2)  PDF
5Office 365 – Connect and Collaborate virtually
anywhere, anytime 
6Microsoft Office 2010 First Look  PDF
7Security and Privacy for Microsoft Office 2010 Users  PDF
8Getting started with Microsoft Office 2010 –
For IT Professionals 
9Planning guide for Microsoft Office 2010 - For IT professionals  PDF
10Deployment guide for Microsoft Office 2010 - For IT professionals  PDF
11Operations guide for Microsoft Office 2010 - For IT professionals  PDF
12Technical reference for Microsoft Office 2010 - For IT professionals  PDF
13Understanding Microsoft Virtualization R2 Solutions PDF
1Introducing Windows Server 2012 – RTM Edition!  PDF
15Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2012  PDF
16Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2  PDF
17Configure Kerberos Authentication for SharePoint 2010 Products  PDF
18Business continuity management for SharePoint Server 2010  PDF
19Deployment guide for SharePoint Server 2010 PDF
20Get started with SharePoint Server 2010 PDF
21Governance guide for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010  PDF
22Profile synchronization guide for SharePoint Server 2010  PDF
23Remote BLOB storage for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010  PDF
24Technical reference for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010  PDF
25Upgrading to SharePoint Server 2010 PDF
26Getting Started with SharePoint Server 2010  PDF
27Planning guide for sites and solutions for Microsoft SharePoint
Server 2010, Part 1
28Planning guide for sites and solutions for Microsoft SharePoint
Server 2010, Part 2 
29Planning guide for server farms and environments for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010  PDF
30Capacity planning for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 PDF

Microsoft SQL Server

31SQL Server 2012 Tutorials: Analysis Services - Tabular Modeling  PDF
32Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Solutions Guide for High Availability and Disaster Recovery PDF
33Transact-SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) Reference  PDF
34QuickStart: Learn DAX Basics in 30 Minutes  PDF
35SQL Server 2012 Tutorials: Analysis Services - Data Mining PDF
36Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Multidimensional Performance and Operations Guide  PDF
37Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) Reference  PDF
38SQL Server 2012 Upgrade Technical Guide  PDF
39Backup and Restore of SQL Server Databases PDF
40SQL Server 2012 Tutorials: Analysis Services - Multidimensional Modeling PDF
41Master Data Services Capacity Guidelines PDF

In The Classroom

42Digital Storytelling PDF
43Free Tools in the Classroom PDF
44Windows Live Movie Maker in the Classroom PDF
45Windows 7 in the Classroom PDF
46Microsoft Office Web Apps Teaching Guide PDF
47Microsoft Office in the Classroom PDF
48Developing Critical Thinking through Web Research Skills PDF
49Bing in the Classroom PDF

Microsoft Azure

50Moving Applications to the Cloud, 2nd Edition  PDF
51Windows Azure Prescriptive Guidance  PDF
52Windows Azure Service Bus Reference  PDF

Microsoft ASP.NET

53Intro to ASP.NET MVC 4 with Visual Studio (Beta)  PDF
54Deploying an ASP.NET Web Application to a Hosting Provider using Visual Studio  PDF
55Getting Started with ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms (Beta)  PDF
56Introducing ASP.NET Web Pages 2  PDF

Career at Microsoft

57Own Your Future  PDF

Windows 7

58Windows 7 Power Users Guide PDF
59Deploying Windows 7 Essential Guidance  PDF
60Welcome to Windows 7 PDF
61What You Can Do Before You Call Tech Support (Windows 7)  PDF

Microsoft Cloud

62Developing an Advanced Windows Phone 7.5 App that Connects to the Cloud PDF
63Developing Applications for the Cloud, 2nd Edition PDF
64Building Hybrid Applications in the Cloud on Windows Azure PDF
65Building Elastic and Resilient Cloud Applications - Developer's Guide to the Enterprise Library 5.0 Integration Pack for Windows Azure  PDF

Microsoft SharePoint

66Technical reference for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 PDF
67Getting started with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 PDF
68Deployment guide for SharePoint 2013 Preview PDF
69Deployment guide for Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP Server 2.0 Preview PDF

Microsoft Dynamics

70Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Guides: Financials PDF
71Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 User's Guide PDF
72Dynamics CRM 2011 Developer Training Kit PDF
73Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Implementation Guide PDF

Microsoft Office 365

74Deployment guide for Office 2013 Preview PDF
75Office 2010 Developer Training Kit PDF
76Office 365 Developer Training Kit PDF
77Office 365 Guides for professionals and small businesses PDF
78Lync for Mac 2011 Deployment Guide PDF
79Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Resource Kit Tools PDF
80Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Resource Kit PDF
81Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Security Guide PDF
82Developing Applications for the Cloud – 2nd Edition PDF
83Visual Studio LightSwitch Training Kit EXE
84SQL Server 2012 Developer Training Kit PDF


Kalau ada kesalahan dalam buku-buku yang saya bagikan ini, mohon langsung menegur saya. Semoga ini bermanfaat untuk Anda dan saya.



  1. gmn cara downloadnya gan...?

    1. Kata mas Ade Malsasa Akbar (pemilik blog ini) sih, cukup Diklik Kana pada link download, terus diklik Save Link AS, gan...

    2. tuh kan ada tulisan pdf gan pilih aja yang mau di download klick pdf nya slesai masuk ke direct link nya

    3. Silakan diunduh, Kang. Semuanya: terima kasih banyak.

  2. Wih banyak bener... Terima kasih gan infonya.
    Ada yang versi bahasa ga, Gan ? hehe

  3. Alhamdulillah sangat bermanfaat.

    1. Btw, ada link yang error juga yo... nama filenya masih berupa *.aspx jadi sewaktu dibuka kok gak bisa? COntohnya: free-tools.aspx, webapps.aspx, dan windows-7.aspx mohon ada perbaikan . terima kasih.

    2. Alhamdulillah. Jazakumullahu khairan, Kang. Terima kasih akang telah memberikan umpan balik yang jelas sehingga saya mudah mengoreksi tulisan ini. Terima kasih. Sudah saya benahi dan bisa direct link sudah.

  4. banyak banget mas, tp apa ada yg satu link untuk download sekaligus

  5. Nggak ada, Kang. Ini saja saya me-relay dari Microsoft.

  6. Thanks

    jangan lupa kunjungi

  7. keren gan!! makasih

  8. izin share ya, nice info :D

  9. Replies
    1. Terima kasih, Gan. Saya perlu menyeleksi tutorial-tutorial yang ada dahulu. Ide juragan ini bagus.

  10. dengan ini semoga saya bisa jadi windows master . .amin

  11. kang.....ane bookmark dulu ya...
    nice share

  12. bahasa inggris?? -_-
    bisa buat lthan reading nih,hehehe

    1. Saya sendiri saja tidak membaca satu pun bukunya walau punya. Akan berguna untuk orang lain mungkin, Kang. Terima kasih telah berkomentar.

  13. Thanks Gan ebooknya.
    sangat bermanfaat buat saya

  14. Terimakasih banyak mau ngeshare ebook nya .
    dan sangat membantu ...

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    maaf sebelumnya kalau saya tidak sopan.

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