Friday, September 21, 2012

No Windows No Cry

So what? I am joking? Or making sense? Or maybe I am searching for brawl? No. This sentence born from my own thinking. An idea to raise from limitedness. A preambule to wide way for all self-thaught boys like me. And as short I know, there is no man has same idea yet. Hey, I was search on Google for some times. This short essay rewritten from my old essay with same title, but I forget the content. I want people have the same spirit.

First, why does this idea appear? It is because we want to use legal software. We always want the safe way. Whoever want the safe software, he will buy it or use another free. I never buy a software in my life. I choose the second way. Until now. Second, for whom this idea? Simply anyone who wants legal and halal software. And third, anything else? Yes, absolutely condition in our country where illegal software assumed to be legal. Majority of legal but paid software in this country, used illegally. So, Windows included as a most cracked software in this country. And this essay will speak.

I used Windows for 7 years, around it. But when I know my Windows is not legal, I begin to search the alternative. When I find it, I am still have to adapt myself to new environment. Then this idea appear. I know there are many people have same experience with Windows like me. I know they feel also the difficulties like me. And I know not all of them survive in mentality. So I want to support them with this sentence: no windows no cry.

Somebody feel difficult when he should using Windows but he should use cracked application. First, I wonder with man like that. Then, he want to migrate to another legal operating system. Then, he feel the another operating system is more difficult to use than Windows. So, he come back to Windows. He gives up. Actually I hate panorama like that. Hateful hateness. But that panorama happen again and again. Nah, for first sentence, I say tho them: no windows no cry.

Do I hate Windows? I am an antimicrosoft? No. I can use Windows and I never deny any Windows if original. I also don't hesitate to buy Windows if I have money and there are purposes. But I want to avoid the cracked Windows, as maximum as possible. I know there somebody has same mind, but usually environment influences them. I dislike that so I offer this idea. And proof of concept in this paragraph is this blog. You are reading it.

We have not to be sad if we can't buy Windows. We can use another operating system. We have not to be sad if we can't buy Photoshop. We can use another program. Also for another expensive applications, there are always replacement. We have Linux, we have open source, free software, and freeware. We also have trial software. We have virtual machines[1]. We have the cloud in internet. We have also the list of unfree vs free applications[2][3][4]. What to be sad? What is the reason to give up?

The solution is rich[5]. We can start to open mind. Wait, never assume I say it with same tone like people. They say open mind but they don't open their mind. I don't want to be same. Open mind here is mean for increasing new knowledge. Knowledge about solutions. We have so many solutions. Why do we feel uncomfort? Feel free, comfortable with free solutions. I believe many users use Avira Antivirus free edition for their PC. And that antivirus fulfilled users. Why should we crack it?

No Windows no cry is only an idea, an advice to be dare. Try the free solutions. You will feel comfort. It is easy and awesome. Many people feel happy when using Android. They feel what the another more expensive operating system can do in the free one. It is awesome if free operating system can do the expensive one can, right? In my humble opinion, this advice forever advice. Don't be hesitate to accept or decline it. At the end, feel free to learn!

Thanks to Mr. Aliv for allowing me to publish this essay here. 



  1. wew good article brada... No Windows No Cry >> i love that title.... good job!

    1. It is only an unusual post, Brother...

      Thank's for coming :)

  2. YEAH!!!

    It's all about your mindset on Linux Destop uses,
    "oh my! what should I do with it?" or "ah! how to use it?" or "hei! someone please teach me to use it!" or whatever la..
    well, did you remember the first time you've touch a PC? or first time you've fresh purchased a Laptop or Desktop PC with Windows installed within it even without knowledge about what Windows is? who was teach you out? no one, i'm sure! just use it! do it! and by time you was learn it by self!!

    1. Thank you, Mas. I agree with you.

      No need t learn with Windows.

      But in Linux, you should learn first.

  3. mas, saya tertarik untuk pindah ke linux!!Kalau bisa tolong bahas tutorial belajar liux nya saya bingung harus pake distro apa????

    1. Alhamdulillah, saya sangat gembira mendengar ada yang tertarik untuk pindah ke Linux. Kalau Anda belum pernah menggunakan Linux sebelumnya, saya sarankan menggunakan Linux Mint.

      Saya ada blog khusus Linux yaitu Dinar bisa mengaksesnya. Kalau Dinar belum puas, saya sarankan untuk buka Silakan belajar dari situ.

      Saya sementara ini belum bisa menulis tutorial baru tentang Linux. Namun Dinar bisa membaca tutorial lama saya di alamat:

      dan tutorial umum Linux di sini:

      Mohon maaf kalau saya mengecewakan Anda. Saya berharap ini berguna untuk Anda.

      Semangat :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Kalo mnurut sy, linux bagus,, tetapi software terbatas,, benar- benar terbatas.. Jadi musti yakin dlu kalo mau pindah linux, ato paling gak instal virtual server di linux buat jalanin windows, atau ya double OS. Banyak hal yang berbeda antr linux dan windows,, dlu sy juga pernah make.. Jadi tidak maslah mau pake windows atau linux, yang penting kita bisa memakainya dengan benar dan untuk tujuan yang baik.. Dan gak smua software windows musti pake yang crackan, biasanya ada second software yang gratis, dan legal.

    1. Ini baru yang saya namakan komentar bagus! Anda berkomentar dengan jujur. Saya sangat menghargainya. Terima kasih, Kang.

      Di sini Anda objektif sekali. Memang, saya sendiri mengakui dari sisi desktop usage, terutama yang sudah ada juaranya dari kalangan nonopen source, pasti Linux kekurangan software. Contohnya saja Libreoffice yang masih jauh fiturnya dibandingkan Microsoft Office. Saya bisa mengakui ini, sebagaimana Anda, namun bagaimanakah komunitas Linux Indonesia? Sudahkah kita siap menerima kenyataan? :) Perhatikanlah komentar mas huteri ini.

      Namun di sisi kami yang memakai Linux karena alasan agama, insya Allah ini tidaklah menjadi masalah. Selalu ada kemudahan di balik setiap kesulitan. Selalu ada kemudahan di balik setiap kesulitan.

      Terima kasih telah berkomentar, Mas :D


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